ABOUT Growing-Impact

This website is dedicated to inspire you to make a positive difference in life. Here I share with you what I know about creating more impact in life by developing:

  • Mindset;

  • Manners;

  • Gratitude;

  • Hope;

  • And last but not least: following your OWN Unique Path.

This website, and the very idea behind launching Growing-Impact is the result of 10+ years of personal search to make a contribution to this world. Considering a lot of factors, like my character, strenghts and weaknesses I believe that this website, Growing-Impact is the best possible way for me to do this.

It is here that I can share my experiences, insights, and lessons learned,
all in the hope of inspiring others to join me in creating their own waves
of positive change. For myself all the content serves as a reminder because
experiece learns: ‘'if you don’t write it down, one day it will leave your memory
and you will have lost a lot of potential wisdom’ .

I will be thrilled if you join me in this quest for growth and impact!

My promise…

Not everything that we read, see or think is worth remembering and even less worth sharing. Through my blogs on this website my promise is to only share the pieces of knowledge, thoughts and insights that I believe can be beneficial for you too. What is the worth of knowledge and insights if I keep it for myself? Not much right? By sharing I will also remember the valuable things better and it won’t vaporize in my head…

This website is meant to inspire you to creating growing impact by keeping a positive mindset, be more aware of life as it is happening and be aware of all the favours we have.

Enjoy reading and thank you for being here!

Awards I’ve Won

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Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.